Personal Care Attendants
Learn about Personal Care Attendants, and how you may be able to earn money as a Personal Care Attendant if you are taking care of a family member.

What is a Personal Care Attendant?
A PCA is someone who works with an individual with limited abilities who needs help to complete basic tasks, including:
Bathing and dressing
Denture care
Toileting help
Meal preparation and feeding
Housekeeping and shopping
Help with walking and general movement
Who Can Be a Personal Care Attendant?
Almost anyone can be a PCA. Individuals can hire family members (except for a spouse, legal guardian, or surrogate), friends, neighbors, or workers they find through help wanted ads, Craigslist, or the Mass PCA Directory.

What Are the Benefits For Personal Care Attendants?
Earned sick leave
Unemployment insurance
Workers compensation
Free training opportunities
CPR/First Aid
Blood borne pathogens
Communication skills
Topics in computers
Transfers and Mobility
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Medication safety
PCAs are eligible for college tuition vouchers after completing a year of, at least, part-time employment
PCAs are eligible to complete the Certified Nurse Aide program after completing a year of, at least part-time, employment